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Friday, January 23, 2009

The Power of Music

It’s no surprise that music is a big part of my book Shrinking Violet because I couldn’t live with out it! My main character Tere literally uses her iPod as an IV, pumping fresh tunes into her blood. I feel much the same way. No, I don’t walk around with my iPod all day but rather I listen to the radio whenever I’m in my car, am a big fan of YouTube when I’m seated at my computer, love catching music videos on my TV and even listen to the Musak while I’m shopping or at a restaurant. And of course, every chance I get, there’s nothing like going to see a band play live!

Depending on what type of scene I’m writing will determine what type of music I will listen to. Alternative and rock usually suit me well for deeper scenes while pop or reggae permeates my sound system when love is in the air.

Tere’s idol in Shrinking Violet is Helen Keller who overcame so many odds to become such a strong female role model. Even Helen found a way to enjoy music by feeling the vibrations of sound. She was able place her hand on a musical instrument while it was being played and guess the composer. She learned to dance much the same way. Truly remarkable!

Another great thing about music is that there is something for everyone and can definitely bring people together who share the same tastes. Tere, who is painfully shy, finds herself opening up to her love interest Gavin because he wears a shirt of a band that she likes.

So does music rock your world? And when is your favorite time or place to blast those tunes?


Stephanie Kuehnert said...

Well give the topic of my book music obviously rocks my world too! My iPod is kinda like an IV. I think I love listening to music most when I'm going some place. Blasting it in the car is the probably the best, but these days it's me, iPod and the train mostly!

Jan Blazanin said...

Danielle, I'm probably one of the few writers who doesn't listen to music while I write. Although I'm definitely a music lover, I get too caught up in the lyrics. Nothing gets written when I'm singing along. And it hurts my dogs' ears!