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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Writing When and Where

I have not been able to get to this beloved blog as much as I would have liked to over the summer so I thought I'd write about my WRITING TIME AND PLACE. I crave writing time, it is food for my brain. If too many days pass and I don't have any time to write, I get cranky! So now that school is back in session and two out of three of my kids are in school, I am back to my writing schedule.

Basically, I designate three mornings a week to writing. I get a sitter for my baby and walk (run) off to my pseudo office at Starbucks! The comfy orange chairs are reserved for my friend and critique group partner Christina Gonzalez (The Red Umbrella) and I. Well, really they are not reserved but we wish they were. On these days I try my best to write at least 1000 words. Christina and I work on our own stories but pause to discuss ideas or gossip (I'm not gonna lie:). The other two school days I write during my baby's nap, while giving the dirty dishes and pile of laundry the evil eye!

Then when I'm editing or really in the middle of a manuscript, I sneak some writing in at night or on the weekends. At these times I either write in my home office or on the couch with my laptop. By nature I am a night owl and enjoy writing when all is quiet but since I can't maintain my college day hours, I have switched my schedule a bit. But no matter what, I am always thinking about my characters in the shower, waiting to pick my boys up at school or while making dinner.

Okay, back to my work in progress, which for now is titled, Tarnished. I would love to hear when and where other people write.
Happy Writing!


Jenny O'Connell said...

First off: love the title TARNISHED. Don't know what it's about, but very cool title.
Second: I hear you on the Starbucks thing! As a matter of fact, I just snuck an hour in at a Starbucks to do some editing. Normally I go to a local bookstore that has a cafe and wireless (needed for research). I love being surrounded by books when I write. Have a difficult time writing at home unless the book is almost complete and rolling along. otherwise, I need to be away in writing mode - with a cookie and iced tea nearby!

Jan Blazanin said...

I'm a write at home person, simply because I can multi-task with laundry, cooking, etc. If I were writing somewhere else I'd be thinking about the chores I should be doing at home. Sad, isn't it?

Danielle Joseph said...

Thanks, Jenny! The frustrating thing about my local bookstore is that they have no outlets and took away half of the seating. Definitely a ploy to keep us writers out:)! Jan, that's why I don't like ot be home sometimes, because laundry always calls my name!