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Saturday, June 28, 2008

They're Out!

Yes, LOCAL GIRLS and RICH BOYS are finally out this week. Even though the weather all week sucked. Thunder storms and rain and wind. Who can think about hanging out on a beach (preferably with guys who look like the ones to the left) when it hardly feels like summer?

But even if it's not sunny and warm here in Boston, hopefully there are some readers somewhere who are hunkering down in the sand for a good read. Today it was actually sort of decent out and so I sat myself down by the pool and cracked open a book I just started. It's a total beach read - takes place on Nantucket during the summer. Which got me to thinking.

Everyone talks about a "beach read," but what's that really mean? Do you read more "beachy" (whatever that means) stuff in the summer? Are there books that just lend themselves to donning a pair of sunglasses while you're reading? What do you think? Is there really such a thing as a "beach read?"

(and one more thing, I've already given away two t-shirts in the Island Summer t-shirt contest, and there are more to come - find out how easy it is to win by going to my blog)


Unknown said...


Interesting question about beach reads...I don't distinguish between beach reads & 'normal' reads but I'm also an unusually obsessive reader...But books I read on beaches always have really cool associations in my memory...I read Patrick Suskind's 'Perfume' on a beach on an island in Thailand & so whenever I see that book or hear it mentioned I think of coconut oil and thatched-roof outdoor restaurants and ugly German men zooming up in motorboats with the gorgeous Thai prostitutes they'd hired to be their girlfriends and the clacking of beads in my long hair that a woman had woven into countless tiny braids...

Danielle Joseph said...

Yay, congrats!! I just asked my seventeen year old sister to answer the question and she said she brings whatever she feels like reading to the beach. Usually it is something relaxing and not something that is going to make her cry because she doesn't want to cry on the beach. And I like to hold on to all my "beach-worn" books because they hold special memories.

Anonymous said...

I agree, beach reads are normally relaxing and fun books. Although I don't always stick to that. Mostly I read chick lit at the beach or lit mysteries, as they appeal most to me.

Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

I think a beach read is any paperback. Nice and bendable and feels good in your hand while you lay on the sand. ;) :)